Living Life the Only Way I Know How....

Friday, October 2, 2015

Walking in New York: The Top 5 Rules of the Walkway

Is there a rule books for walking down the street??  If so,  I would love to stand at Grand Central and hand it out to everyone that enters the City.  Perhaps even set up a kiosk at JFK, Newark and LaGuardia as well.  Why? you may ask.  Because people just do not know how to do it.

As Missing Person's so eloquently pointed out, "Nobody Walks in LA." And for that matter I don't think anyone walks in most towns, suburbs, or small cities anymore.  They just don't know the rules!  People need a handbook.  Let's start one today!
The basics of walking the down the street are not unlike that of driving a car, which I know most everyone over the age of 16 does from coast-to-coast.  A fact that makes me scratch my head time and time again when I think about the mindless walking that occurs daily.
Here are some reminders to those that are not use to walking as a function of transportation any more:
  1. Every sidewalk has people going 2 different directions at any given time.  Some people are walking up the street while some are walking down the street.  Since we are in the USA where people drive on the right side of the road, lets all assume that you should walk on the right side of the sidewalk where ever you may go... this will help with body checking collisions
  2. If you are on a sidewalk that is wide enough to support a walking passing lane as well as the 2 lanes of regular walking traffic, such as: Park Avenue, Fifth Avenue, 42nd Street or 34th Street (just to name a few), slow walkers should keep to the right, while the faster walkers should pass on the left... this will help alleviate the feeling of somebody walking really close to you in hopes you get the hint to move over... or give pick pockets a chance to get your wallet
  3. Walking and chatting with friends on a beautiful day is always fun.... until somebody gets body checked.  No really.  Full on, bouncing off another person, throw you back body checked.  Ask anybody that has ever spent more than a month walking around in NY.  Never, ever, EVER, should you walk down the street side by side with more than one other person.  Three is an inconvenience.   Four is an open invitation for on coming walkers to body check either side of your line... and ladies are not excused from the body check... if you insist on walking in a line of 4 people down the sidewalk, you may want to have your girlfriend/wife/co-worker/boss in the middle.
  4. When you come to a cross walk, the right of way goes to the person coming off the street - ALWAYS.  You have no idea if they are jumping out of the way of a speeding taxi, a semi truck trying to make a turn, or a raging rat is chasing them.  For everyone's safety, this is the rule. Get out of the way.
  5. Small children are exempt from all rules of the walkways.... it's hard enough to be a kid in the City, we need to let them have this one.
Please share this post with anyone you know that may be traveling to New York City as a basic primer and reminder on how to get to where you want to go safe and sound.

Next week... Walking in NYC #2: The Power of Jay Walking

A Visit From Stillness

This week we had a little visitor adorn our front door for most of the day....  

A visitor perched on our front door for hours

At first sight, we jumped back seeing an insect (seemingly from Mars) the size of our hand sitting at eye level on the outside of our home.  Perched on the front door, I immediately was calmed by the absolute stillness this creature exhibited as we walked in and out of the door multiple times, ushering our kids off to school... and taking a few pictures.  While the door moved only a bit every time, I don't think any other animal would have remained perched upside down without moving a limb or wing.

Door Moving, Stillness Remains

This got me to thinking, "What was she doing here??"

I was introduced to the praying mantis when I was 10 years old living in California.  My father bought a couple to release in our yard as a ecological way to help manage other insects. Being an engineer, this was not the type of thing my father was know to do.  He was more likely to bomb the yard with chemicals than find an environment friendly option to a bug problem.

Yet, I was tickled.  The little creatures would hang out in our front walkway, almost welcoming us home after a long day.  Dad showed us that you could even feed them by hand as one of the little guys excepted a small offering from his finger.  I watched the slow and thoughtful movements... especially fascinated as the triangular shaped head could take on the almost human curiosity when studying the offering, and reaching out to grab it.

Then the visits became less frequent until they were no longer there... leaving no forwarding address.

Now decades later, a distant relative has return to my front door in the Northeast.  This is definitely not praying mantis native habitat... perhaps somebody just released a few to help with the tick problem so rampant in this area?  Even still, how did she come to settle on our front door?  And somewhere in the back of my head, I remembered that a sighting at your house was akin to a ladybug landing on your hand... a sign of goodwill to come.

Taking a tour around the internet, I discovered a visit from these Martian like creatures is both a sign of good fortune to come, and a reminder.  There are so many websites that re-quote the same paragraph that I have no way of knowing who to credit, but the saying goes that a visit from our friend tends to come at a time, "when we need peace, quiet and calm in our lives. Usually the mantis makes an appearance when we've flooded our lives with so much business, activity, or chaos that we can no longer hear the still small voice within us because of the external din we've created." (one of the better articles quoting this paragraph:

What I like the most is the symbolism of calm, balance, creativity, and mindfulness....  reminding us to get still, meditate, go within and find our inner peace. Perhaps that is what where we find the best answers to our questions, which in turn brings more happiness into our lives.... and isn't that what brings good fortune?

Time to pay a visit to +Deepak Chopra  and Oprah at the  +Chopra Center - its been too long! Good thing I have a few mediation saved. Join us if you want to make this visit your good fortune as well.

Peace Out.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Ashton Kutcher Speech - Teen Choice Awards (HQ)

I am not sure how I missed this amazing little speech, which is just
perfect for his Teen Choice "Choiciest Award" speech.  If you haven't
seen it, or have an impressionable young person that respects actors
more than parents, show them this....

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Blogging: Public Journal or Shared Experience

As you can see, I have started a blog on Blogger.


I am still asking myself this question, but I am drawn to this medium.  Is it the new personal journal?  Is it a way to write, practice writing, collate a collection of short stories/ideas to build into a book at some time in the future.  I don't know.  But I am feeling compelled to start.

From a macro level, there are many people that have created lives around a blog that became their most successful lives work (from a monetary perspective at least).  On this list would be:

Julie Powell, writer of Julie & Julia: My Year of Cooking Dangerously, which then became a Meryl Streep movie of the same name.

Candace Bushnell, writer of Sex and the City, who's blog then became an incredibly successful 6 year HBO TV series starring Sarah Jessica Parker, with a movie ending

Arianna Huffington +Arianna Huffington  creator of the Huffington Post +The Huffington Post  blog, now listed as one of the most successful money making blogs of all time (I always knew she was smarter than her ex-husband: scary politician Michael Huffington!)  In 2012 reporter Joel Brown listed her net worth at $35 Million... you can read Joel's full article here:

Not to mention top Style bloggers that all boast multi-million of views on You Tube, Instagram, and the like... by the way, not one of them is listed over the age of 30!!!  30!  Like that is old! Fashionista +Fashionista  ran a great article reporting on the Top 25 Style Bloggers:

Is 30 years old the line of age demarcation between old ideas of work & hobby, and when the technological ability to post for wide audience became possible...  I ask you.  Were all the people over the age of 20, 10 years ago, too busy working to take up the video and picture blog potential in a meaningful way.  Please note the Fashionista article speaks mostly of YouTube and Instagram.... and yet here I am in a long form blog.  Perhaps that is telling me something.... or perhaps I just need to post just as many photos and video clips... something to think about.

But all of this is not even touching the tail of the elephant that is now the world of successful bloggers... it is my understanding from my 12 year old son that the most successful blogger in the world is a guy that videos himself playing video games!!  No, very seriously. It is slightly odd that this teen sensation has content that should be rated R for language, and depending on the game, violence. Tag name PewDiePie +PewDiePie ( Ask any teenager who PewDiePie is and they will know... unless they are Amish.  Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg is the human behind PewDiePie, and in May of 2014 the website tubefilte +Tubefilter   ( reported 311.2 MILLION views in the MONTH of May on YouTube.... that is 120 views per second!!!

What does that have to do with me?

Not sure yet.

I am a big fan of Tim Ferriss +Tim Ferriss , and his 4-Hour empire.... His books, blogs, email blasts, tv show, and his Podcasts... I love a good podcast!  You will hear more about him, and my favorite podcasts here.

Tim and his many friends are on the "jump in and get it done" band wagon.

So, here I jump.

Let's see what happens.